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Gak Kuat

hadiiv2 last year from Karya sendiri
99 funs, comments


See also these :
Gak Kuat (134 funs)
Wudhu Lagi?? (1,152 funs)
Moment Ketika Sama Bos/guru/dosen/wali Kelas (123 funs)
Apa Yg Anda Pikirkan? (871 funs)
Apapun Jenisnya Disebutna Aqua (1,150 funs)
Cepet Abisnya (571 funs)
Guru Bk Yg Mergokin Murid (448 funs)
I Have Two Side (412 funs)
Hayo Loh Ikutan Nyanyi (247 funs)
Agak Dark.... (467 funs)
Cowok Yg Pake Baju Putih: Kalian Dapat Panel? (1,095 funs)
Salah Makan (1,229 funs)
Pasti Ada Yg Kaya Gini (1,031 funs)
Serba Salah (1,064 funs)
Mpshhhh....ahhh..... (98 funs)
Ya Gmn Yaaaa... (1,074 funs)
Nyesel Nanya (1,086 funs)
Berisik Moment (384 funs)
Ditinggal Pulang (1,168 funs)
Main Hoki (1,164 funs)
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