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Just For Fun... No Hujat No Debat No Maho
djojon couple years ago.. from nyus syow
1661 funs, comments
See also these :
New Update,,, (1,756 funs)
Re: 1cak/749559 (1,742 funs)
I Know That Feel Pak... (1,257 funs)
INGAT....!!! Besok Mlm Minggu, Buruan Beli Sabun Sebanyak2nya Sebelum Kehabisan (772 funs)
Klo Sampe KPI Jadi Mnghentikan Tayangan SPONGEBOB, Gue Bersumpah, Seumur Hidup Gk Mw Lgi Nonton Tv, Kecuali Tayangan Bola, ILK, On The Spot, Hatim & Mahabarata (320 funs)
Sinetron2 Ini Dpt Mengakibatkan Mata Merah,perih, Iritasi, Gangguan Kejiwaan, Kangker Payuda*a, Paru2 Basah, Hernia, Hiv, Dbd, Tbc, Egp, Wuatb, Gws, Ggmu, Ynwa (1,237 funs)
Mario Bakulpeli,,, Eh Salah Maksudnya Baloteli,,, (875 funs)
Jika Kalian Pernah Nonton Sinetron Ini,,, Berarti Kalian Punya Tv,,, (975 funs)
Keren Gk Hrs Ganteng,,, (954 funs)
Re: (1,316 funs)
If You Know What I Mean (862 funs)
Saya Orang Gunung (1,153 funs)
Apa Salah Gue? (1,459 funs)
Enaknya Di Kasih Judul Apaan Yach??? (1,082 funs)
Ngikutin Yg Lagi Ngetrend Sblm Basi,,, (976 funs)
Just Hasil Quick Count (1,172 funs)
Just For Fun (971 funs)