Help 1CAK be more fun by giving funs, report spam, and please read the RULES
Berani Coba?senadhika6
couple years ago..
from dari fikiran yg melintas
1699 funs,
Ternyata IYKWIM Udah Ada Dari Jaman Dulu..hardyganteng
couple years ago..
from buku sejarah k13
1229 funs,
Ane Tambahin Gan 😂 (Sorry Yg Ngereply Sebelum Ane Gak Masuk)ryzvano
couple years ago..
from paint
1221 funs,
Siapa Yg Kaya Gini? (Maaf Jika G Jelas, Penting G Repost)watzhittooya
couple years ago..
512 funs,