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Constantine Story, #8 (constantine Itu Gak Takut Valak, Tapi Takut Salak Saat Puasa 😂)the_shadow
couple years ago..
from picsart n image combiner
1946 funs,
Dibegoin.. Kirain Beneran..alyasaale
couple years ago..
from gue gak jago ngedit, jadinya post gini terus -__-
3159 funs,
Produk-Produk Mainan Buatan Tiongkok Yang Sangat Lucu 5limbadleone1
couple years ago..
from Semua gambar berasal dari Bootleg Stuff di Faceboo
1237 funs,
Parody Iklan Axis WARVALAK....ymighty
couple years ago.. using UCBrowser
from Valak The Cojuring Axis
1657 funs,