Help 1CAK be more fun by giving funs, report spam, and please read the RULES
(Dark Post)apeldanjambu
couple years ago..
1672 funs,
Biar Kagak Missused Ane Ganti Pake Hap-Hap (eh Salah) Maksud Ane Har-Har (Not Safe For Generasi C5H8NO4Na)ganes12
couple years ago..
from Nambahin aja
1280 funs,
Udahan Belum Bang?dakara_ima
couple years ago..
from celana yg Terjahit
1896 funs,
Apalagi Mau Presentasi Tugas Akhir, Kelar Udahnelfth
couple years ago..
1354 funs,