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Asal Usul "Warteg", Tempat Makan Sejuta Umat.. Bahkan Sudah Ke Mancanegara, Wong Tegal Sing Duwe Kie... Endi Suarane!!hanafi_pwt
couple years ago..
from Wikia dan blogspot. serta saran dari meydinatys
2221 funs,
Jika Spongebob Dijadikan Video Klip Lagu Akadghani6421
couple years ago..
from Spongebob Squarepants
862 funs,
Upgrade Yang Fatal..siddeley
couple years ago..
from Twitter @Bootleg_Stuff, instagram, google
1842 funs,
Basi Kok Dijualmamandonat19
couple years ago..
from google maps
992 funs,