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Emaknya Greget, Vroh! 😂ndalepok
couple years ago..
from Berita Tribunnews jogja
1866 funs,
Jangan Mau Di Adu Domba, Walau Beda Suku,agama Dll Tapi Kita Satu INDONESIA Vroh! :)ndalepok
couple years ago..
from hati yang eneg liat kebodohan jaman sekarang
1255 funs,
Morning Quotes, Semoga Bermanfaat.. :)ndalepok
couple years ago..
from google,paint.. sori for bad editing
2097 funs,
Cantik Vroh.. Di Indonesia Ada Gak? (TS Belom Pernah Nemuin Soalnya) :3ndalepok
couple years ago..
from Sori kalau kesamaan ide
824 funs,