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Fritz Haber, Penyebab Lahan Tani Dan Petani Lebih Sedikit Dibandingkan 100 Tahun Lalu, Tapi Hasil Tani Lebih Banyakvenath
on November
354 funs,
2 Repost Dalam Satu Pos, Kenapa Tidakvenath
on November
from https:/ / 3032800 dan https:/ / 3031
1080 funs,
Debat Online Vs Ketemu Real Lifevenath
on October
from https:/ / shorts/ _i3nI4KTnNc?si=3fINTBHx
1066 funs,
Senator : You Are Not Going Home Until You Admin You're Chinesevenath
on September
9 funs,